The Importance of Video Marketing for Your Freelance Business

The Importance of Video Marketing for Your Freelance Business

Video and marketing go hand-in-hand, just like bangers and mash. 

In this ever-changing digital marketing world, video undeniably remains a clear-cut winner as the most used medium around the internet.

For one simple reason, customers want a time-saving option.

In this digital world, customers prefer a medium where they can not only read about the product and present it in their imagination, but they also want to get the visual that demonstrates how to use it.

This behaviour presents massive opportunities for businesses to take advantage of it. 

It’s no surprise that almost every business put videos on their marketing arsenal – from a small business to a big corporation. 

Now, it’s your time to boost your freelance marketing campaign with video marketing. 

If you’re still on the fence about it, these video marketing statistics for 2020 will convince you.

Video Marketing Statistics for 2020: The Numbers that Every Freelancer Should Know

Over the last few years, the numbers in video marketing statistics have been staggering. 

Fueled by the rise of social media, video trends show no sign of stopping. 

Online video consumption doubles every year – making it evident that video is undeniably inseparable in human life. 

Hence, at least 78% of internet users watch online videos every week, while 55% of them watch it every day. 

And 59% of executives would rather watch the video rather than read the text content, while 65% of them are more likely to visit the site related to a video they’ve viewed on YouTube.

With that high demand, it’s no surprise that 93% of businesses gain new customers as a result of posting a video on social media. 

It also comes as no surprise that more than 81% of businesses from different industries have been using video content as their marketing tool, and 99% of them are satisfied with their ROI.

Look at these number below to get more convinced:

Video Marketing Statistics

After you read all the essential statistics above, are you sure you still want to stick to those out-dated marketing methods?

Spice Up Your Freelance Business With Video

The tough part about running a freelance business is that you’re not only selling your services but also have to sell yourself too. 

Therefore it’s essential to show what you’re capable of doing instead of writing long paragraphs to tell about yourself. 

No matter how much you want to deny it, most of your clients nowadays no longer have enough time and patience to read through all the things you’ve written down on your website.

That’s where video content is a must-have tool for your freelance business to reach more clients.

Video is the best way to go to show your clients what you can do and why you’re the right person to work with them – in a convincing, engaging way.

Since it speaks louder than a thousand words, video allows you to connect with your client on a more personal level. This is a smart way to develop trust-building.

It can also act like your 24/7 salesman that continuously pushes you and your freelance business.

So, where do you start?

We’re going to dive into some essentials know-how to start your video marketing campaign for your freelance business.

#1. Type of Videos

Best Types Of Videos

Every type of video is unique, like a snowflake. 

Each of them has a particular impact on your business and your digital marketing strategies.

There are so many different types of videos out there, from how-to to explainers, demo videos, and beyond. If I mention them all, it will take pages.

It comes as no surprise that most marketers struggle when it comes to deciding what type of video will provide the most value to the audience and give the most extensive reach.

An excellent way to start choosing the right type of video for your business is knowing your goal.

And as a freelancer, I bet that boosting your online visibility so that you can reach more clients is one of your top priorities. 

In this case, you can rely on promo videos. It allows you to increase traffic to your website or asset-specific landing pages that can lead generation.

You can create an introductory video by storytelling about the kind of works you can offer, the style of your works, whom you’ve worked with, etc. 

Promotional Marketing Videos

If you’re a freelance artist, you can put your portfolio in a video. 

Show off to your client how you get your work done, where those skills, dedication, and sweat go into each piece.

Since promo videos are practical tools to increase brand awareness, it’s essential to bear in mind that you better portray your service in a positive light and convince potential clients to work with you.

Besides, you can also use customer testimonial videos to build trust between you and your potential clients. 

It’s a wise way to record the client video testimonials and post them on your web or social media to make your business trustworthy.

Customer Testimonials Video

As you might already know, customer trust and loyalty are a worthy goal for any business and essential factors to keep the business running in the long-term.

There you have it. Those two types of videos are the best go-to to leverage your freelance business.

#2. What Do Your Clients Value Most?

Google Video Carousel

Running a freelance business is all about the clients – finding them, convincing them to hire you, and delivering work on time to them.

It’s safe to say that clients are the lifeblood of your freelance business. Not to mention that your paycheck mostly relies on them.

The best move to get them is to know them better. 

Research them. What style of work they are most likely interested in, what kind of service they like best, what kind of quality they’re searching for, etc.

While making your videos, it’s essential to include the “values” that your target clients are expecting so you can grab their attention from the get-go.

The fascinating thing is that once you grab their attention, there’s a higher chance of getting them to convert into your loyal clients.

#3. Choosing the Right Platforms

Best Video Marketing Platform 2020

Now that you know what your clients are searching for, the next is to find them.

Choosing the right platform to post your video is another crucial thing so that you can reach your clients cost-effectively.

All video platforms seem to sound good on paper, and if it’s your first time on launching your video presence, it’s reasonable to get anxious to weigh in your freelance business’ probable needs.

That’s being said, according to the latest video marketing statistics, social media are promising channels to share your videos. Just look at these staggering numbers below:

1.5 billion YouTube users watch a 1 billion hour video daily on the platform alone.Users watch about 10 billion videos on Snapchat every day.More than 75 million Facebook users watch video content each day.At least 800 Instagram monthly active users watch video content regularly.Video marketers that post their videos on LinkedIn claimed to have 82% view rates.

Those fascinating numbers surely make you don’t want to ignore the social media power to post your freelance business marketing business videos. 

With those massive numbers, there’s an enormous possibility that your clients are wandering around there.

Considering videos can help you rank higher on Google search results, putting your video on your landing page is a must too. 

#4. Join the Club!

Video Marketing Company Belfast

It might sound like a no-brainer. But Joining with your community is another excellent move to continually learn and share some tips on how to win more projects, including what to do with your video marketing campaign.

Associating with a group of people who share the same interests is a unique way for you to get inspired and get feedback on the videos you’re creating to promote your freelance business

It helps you to stay updated in the video marketing world and learn and share knowledge.

Not to mention that it also affects you making steady progress in crafting your video content to market your freelance business along the way, especially if you’re new to the video campaign.

The stronger the community you have, the higher the chance you’ll get to have your video content spread out all around the internet. 

That means more potential clients are on their way to find you!

Wrapping Up

Video has become a core part of every company’s overall marketing. 

It’s not the popularity that makes every business jump into the video marketing campaign; it’s the effectiveness of it. 

As a savvy freelancer, you sure don’t want to miss this massive opportunity. 

In a digital sphere that only gets louder every day, you need to jump into video marketing to cut through the noise.

Even though video marketing is not yet the most straightforward task to do, it’s worth all the efforts you put into it.

If you’re still on the fence about it, these Video Marketing Statistics for 2020 will convince you to start mapping out your strategy and get your freelance business off the ground.

video marketing statistics for 2020

Author Bio: Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

Twitter: @breadnbeyond



The post The Importance of Video Marketing for Your Freelance Business is by Stuart and appeared first on Inkbot Design.

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